Digital Marketing

Need that extra step ahead in your digital marketing management?

Need a quality upgrade to your digital campaigns?

Mediakls gets you further.
Table with laptops

Structural Improvement

All our services are based on:



gives you a headstart



your digital marketing spend



is consistent and keeps track of your results

Our services

Cherry pick to your wishes. Require a bespoke treatment? Contact us!

Stakeholder Management

Digital Advertising Strategy

Structural changes need proper strategy​

Strategic decisions need to be well-thought of.  Be structural and be consistent. Mediakls has the experience to get you ahead of your competitors.

Digital Advertising Strategy
Digital Media Management
Digital Media Management

Digital Media Management

Create smart and managable digital media campaigns

Always-on campaigns as well as incidental campaigns thrive by proper management. We provide both client-side and agency-side management. 

Digital Media Management
Copywriting Translation

Copywriting / Translation to Dutch

Have your message across to those Dutchies.

Go Dutch! Get both feet onshore in the low countries and have your marketing texts written in or translated to Dutch. This includes website content but also media content such as search ads, email, advertorials and social media.



Learning by doing.

Sharing is caring. Improve your in-house knowledge on any of our specialisms and book a bespoke workshop on one of our services.

Stakeholder Management

Stakeholder Management

Get your stakeholders on board

Getting your client, CEO, manager, publisher or any stakeholder convinced of your strategic approaches can be challenging. Mediakls has the experience to get stakeholders with all backgrounds on the same page.

Stakeholder Management
Tag Management
Tag Management

Web Analytics & Tag Management

Measure what can be measured, and make measurable what cannot be measured.

Apps and websites need clear and structured tagging in order to protect the visitor’s privacy as well as to measure what is happening.  Having your web analytics properly organized is key to your results.

Tag Management


See what's happening and act upon it

Marketing may be partly ‘gut feeling’ but is mostly knowing what it’s all about. Mediakls gets you the right numbers, so you make the right decision.



These companies preceded you:

As a part of their expansion strategy, Stripe was looking to adapt their marketing materials to the Dutch language. This project has so far resulted in the launch of Stripe.com/nl as well as several case studies and in-depth guides in the Dutch language.
Dashboarding project in Google Data Studio for Symphony Talent's main clients in recruitment marketing, among which Mars, Sky and Amazon. To improve the dashboard, also Tag Management was applied. To improve the figures on these dashboards, some campaigns were run as well.
Symphony Talent
Symphony Talent UK / Hodes
Tag Management
Digital Media Management
As the launching client, Ford of Netherlands required many services, all binded by the aim for a better campaign structure and more in-house digital marketing knowledge.
Ford of Netherlands
Stakeholder Management
Digital Advertising Strategy
Digital Media Management
Digital Advertising Strategy and Media Management of the brands Volkswagen, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles and ŠKODA in The Netherlands.
Volkswagen Logo
Volkswagen Netherlands
Digital Advertising Strategy
Digital Media Management
Gazelle and Union needed to to generate more internal visibility for their digital strategy, so their jointly board of directors has been supplied with core digital figures in accessible dashboards.
Gazelle Bicycles
Digital Advertising Strategy
Big Rock requested problem-solving Tag Management for multiple clients, afterwards extensively discussed in a workshop.
Big Rock
Big Rock | London
Tag Management
In a collaboration with the Dutch agency Adcombi, a national yet localized advertising campaign has been set up for DCM, a main producer of organic garden fertilizer, to support their dealerships in selling their products.
Digital Advertising Strategy
Digital Media Management
Digital Advertising Strategy and Media Management for LeasePlan and CarNext in The Netherlands.
Leaseplan Logo
LeasePlan Netherlands
Digital Advertising Strategy
Digital Media Management
Formido requested management of their always-on campaigns to fuel their webshop in DIY products.
Formido Bouwmarkten (DIY Retail Chain)
Digital Advertising Strategy
Digital Media Management
Union and Gazelle needed to to generate more internal visibility for their digital strategy, so their jointly board of directors has been supplied with core digital figures in accessible dashboards.
Union Bicycles
Digital Advertising Strategy


Mediakls Ltd is founded and owned by Rolf Dekker.

Initially established in The Netherlands since 2016, the company moved to East London in 2019.

Feel free to call 075727 92486, write rolf@mediakls.com or get proper coffee at 9 Albert Close in Hackney, London.

Rolf Dekker

Nice to meet you!


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Contact us for better start

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